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In addition to the above contract we currently book travel for the following businesses -
Wells Fargo Bank
Principal Financial Group - Des Moines, IA
Drake University - Des Moines, IA
Des Moines University -Des Moines, IA
State Minnesota
Contract start date-end date - 7/8/2009 - present
Service Performed/Scope - Iowa
Agency/Company (if applicable) - State Of Iowa
Contract ID #/Purchase Order # (if applicable) - MA# 005 TSB3636-10
Contract Amount - Up To $10,000 Per Purchase
Contact Name - Sarah Vandenberg
Contact Phone # (515) 725-8075
Since we started in 2009 we have had the opportunity to worked with a several businesses, states, schools, churches and much more, below are some of our customers
References/Past Performance
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